Four Thumbs Up for THE STREAK

The release date for my new baseball book, THE STREAK, aboout Cal Ripken, Lou Gehrig, and baseball's Ironman record, is about seven weeks away now -- July 4, to be exact.
The period before publication always includes a round of reviews from the book industry media – heavyweight outlets such as Publisher’s Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal and Booklist. An author isn’t being honest if he or she tells you they don’t hold their breath, at least a little bit, before those reviews start rolling in.
I’m pleased to report that THE STREAK has performed well under scrutiny, bringing home an extremely positive report card – four thumbs up from the sources listed above.
You can read the full pre-pub reviews via the links listed below, but here are the highlights:
-- Booklist gives it a “starred” review, signifying a book that warrants special attention.
-- From Kirkus Reviews: “Eisenberg examines one of baseball’s most venerated records while exploring what it all means, providing a compelling, thought-provoking history for fans of America’s grand game.”
-- From Publisher’s Weekly: “Eisenberg’s impressively researched effort is a terrific tribute.”
-- From Library Journal: “A readable and comprehensive look at one of baseball’s most arcane but incredible accomplishments.”
I’m in the process of setting up a batch of signings and appearances to promote the book. There’s some exciting stuff in the works, soon to be announced. You can pre-order the book right here. In the meantime, here are the review links (just click on the name of the outlet). Thanks for the interest!
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