Talk, Talk, Talk

My public speaking calendar for the next month is crowded and varied. I’ll be talking football history, baseball, the NFL. Please consider a visit.
On Tuesday night, March 19, I’ll be at the Valley Inn in Baltimore for an event titled “Football and Fraternization.” I’ll be appearing with Jack Gilden, author of the excellent book, “Collision of Wills,” about Johnny Unitas, Don Shula and the Baltimore Colts of the 1960s. The event starts at 5:30 pm and runs for two hours. I’ll be selling and signing copies of my football book “The League,” about the NFL's difficult early decades. Contact Larry Lichtenauer ( for details or to RSVP. There is a cover charge.
On Tuesday night, March 26, I’ll speak at Towson University as part of a panel on crisis management in the NFL. My task is to bring a hisorical perspective, based on my research for "The League." Also on the panel are Ray Feldmann (CEO of Feldmann Communication Strategies) and WBAL’s Pete Gilbert. The event begins at 7 pm at the South Campus Pavilion. Click here to see Towson’s announcement about the event.
Finally, on Tuesday, April 2, I’m honored to participate in the prestigious William B. Crawley Great Lives Lecture Series at Mary Washington University in Fredericksburg, Virginia. I’ll speak on Lou Gehrig and Cal Ripken, Jr., baseball's legnedary Ironmen -- the subject of my 2017 book “The Streak.” My talk begins at 7 pm and is free. Click here for the Great Lives web page.
If you're interested in having me speak to a group, don't hesitate to get in touch through the contact page on this website.
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